Hi there.
I'm Amy, a writer based in Boston, MA.
In Pursuit of Pastry is devoted to two of my favorite things: Exploration of places both close to home and far away and the pastries I seek out along the way.
This project began during a trip to Norway with my family to see the motherland in March 2017. With a stressful few weeks behind me in the new world of Donald-Trump-is-actually-our-president, and the frigid New England winter left behind, I arrived in Norway ready for a break. To my delight, I was greeted by a country full of one of my favorite things in this world--delicious, comforting baked goods.
My first morning in Oslo, I set out in pursuit of my first taste. As I soaked in the crisp air and was warmed by the bright sun on the airy patio at Åpent Bakeri, I had my first of many kanelboller (“cinnamon bun”) in the coming week. That happy moment was just the escape I needed, and so I instagrammed it. That morning #pastriesforpresident was born. To my surprise and delight, what began as a silly travel project proved to be popular. I came home to all kinds of questions, comments and mouthwatering inquiries in regards to my carb-filled adventures, and I so I continued to document my pastry adventures after returning home.
In 2018 I’m rolling #pastriesforpresident into this writing project, “In Pursuit of Pastry”, where I hope to showcase my adventures both close to home and across the world.
Follow my tasty adventures on Instagram at @inpursuitofpastry.
I hope you’ll join me.
pastry |ˈpeɪstrɪ
Any item of food of which such dough forms an essential part, as a pie, tart, or napoleon.
Noun. Mid-15th century.
"Food made with paste," not originally limited to sweets, from Middle English paste. Probably influenced by Old French pastaierie "pastry" (Modern French pâtisserie), from pastoier "pastry cook," from paste; also borrowed from Medieval Latin pasteria "pastry," from Latin pasta. Specific sense of "small confection made of pastry" is from 1906. Pastry-cook attested from 1712.